
The Ving Tsun Keun Kuit

Kuen Kuit Proverb Seal The Kuen Kuit are proverbs which encapsulate the wisdom accumulated through generations of martial arts experience in the Ving Tsun family. Over hundreds of years the Grand Masters came across the same experiences and principles which they formulated into maxims to pass to their disciples when they came into a similar situation. The Grand Masters generally passed down the proverbs by word of mouth to their students on an informal basis.

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The Ving Tsun Trilogy

The study of Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Je is known as the Ving Tsun Trilogy. All three forms are vitally linked to each other and their study is the foundation for growth in Ving Tsun. The Ving Tsun system must be taken in as a whole, all the parts must be learned to master the system. Each of the forms has a separate but related function in helping achieve that mastery.

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Ving Tsun Philosophy

Martial arts training seems to be inextricably linked to ideas of wisdom. Many books have been written by martial artists both ancient and modern on the topic of what they have learned through their practice. So how does a student of philosophy go about achieving a clear understanding of what is referred to in those books? Experience alone can provide a relevant context. The study of martial arts is primarily a physical experience.

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Ving Tsun Terminology

In addition to learning the Ving Tsun forms, a student will learn numerous exercises (known as two-person drills) which are designed to develop balance, coordination, energy, relaxation, sensitivity, and timing. These drills also serve to enhance a student’s understanding of Ving Tsun principles. Below are some of the two-person drills and hand/foot techniques typically taught to Ving Tsun students. Two-Person Drills Lop Sao DrillGrabbing arm and quan sao position

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How to Play Good Siu Nim Tao

Moy Yat Playing Siu Nim Tao Siu Nim Tao is a form that is easy to learn but not quite so easy to play well. One must keep several things in mind in order to achieve a high caliber of Siu Nim Tao. Of course, the most important requirement is to know all the movements in the proper sequence. The movements are in themselves simple ones, but it is essential that they are performed frequently, in a relaxed manner.

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